On the one-year anniversary of our move to Beach-A-Rama (one year ago, weren't we stunned watching Frick and Frack make a hash of their packing job), we've made a list of what we miss most about Tuscaloosa.
1. It goes without saying that we miss our friends, but thanks to their generosity (and our good fortune to live at the beach) we get to see them pretty often and keep in touch with their lives.
2. Beyond that, we miss the CSA, the farmer's market, and the guy down the Tierce Patton Farm Road and his truck garden. Sunny Florida (or at least this very sandy part of it) has nothing much to offer in the way of produce, much less the truly gorgeous stuff to which we had grown accustomed.
3. We miss Scooter, tho what can be done about that?

But we're delighted that Squeaky has made such a great adjustment to the beach.
4. We miss Woodrow's (and Archibald's) and Taco Casa's tacos & sweet tea. But Oh Boy, are there some Great Restaurants here!
5. We miss the regular poker game, especially when it met at Wendy & Joel's house, where all manner of people were wont to drop in.
6. We miss Greenetrack Bingo and the proximity to the Silver Star--and for that matter Tunica--and the fact that we could split for the casinos whenever we wanted because Suni was ALWAYS available to catsit.
7. We miss the BuncoBabes--and having a neighborly connection with those women from around the lake.

Yet here we are in even closer touch with our neighbors--literally chatting whenever we want over the fence or on the beach walkover or in the middle of the street. It's kinda cool.
8. And natch we miss the lake itself, its constant change, reflections of it all moire-like on the great room ceiling.

9. And we miss the Focus on Senior Citizens Center, our introduction to tai chi, James (now gone, alas) and all the rest.

But here we've got Henry (and Ed) and Tai Chi as a martial art.
Turns out we can't even make this a top ten things because there's no number 10.
We celebrated our day all week long, playing bingo THREE times and eating our favorite dinner at Fat Clemenza's last night. In fact, we'll be eating it again tonite at home. Home!